Romain Thibault

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→ FuckingYoung!

3d objects and layout support for the Alien issue of FuckingYoung! A futuristic, alien like touch was added by creating 3d headlines.

Built with and for Studio Cordova Canillas in Spain, Barcelona.

→ Traust

Traust is an ambivalent word in old Norse, translated by "steady" or "to be trusted".

The title echoes with the struggle each graduated art student deal with, either over confident or unsecure.

Catalogue for the final degree show for Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (KHiO). The cover comes with a sanding paper feel.

Designed with and for studio Ariane Spanier in Germany, Berlin.

→ Ten studio

Poster created for the participation of Ten Studio at the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism.

Built with and for Studio Cordova Canillas in Spain, Barcelona.

→ Akademie Konzerte

Key visuals, posters and booklets in print and digital for the National Theater Orchester in Mannheim, Germany.

Designed with and for studio Ariane Spanier in Germany, Berlin.

→ Manteleria

Online Shoping experience for the Barcelona based fashion and tableware creators, Manteleria.

Built with and for Studio Cordova Canillas in Spain, Barcelona.

→ Club Visage

Poster and 3D illustration for a cultural event in Paris, France.

"Sponsored by → Parkingstone, Club Visage is a fundraising event dedicated to support our trans community".

→ FUKT Magazine

Using augmented reality technology, an application was developed for the 17th edition of FUKT, magazine for contemporary drawing.
Aided by a game engine and 3D softwares, the cover of the contemporary art magazine comes alive!

Designed with and for studio Ariane Spanier in Germany, Berlin.

→ Desigual

The instagram feed of the fashion brand Desigual was taken over for several months.

Filled with collage art and other mesmerizing motion designs, the feed showed off and played with the rich variety of patterns and fabrics.

Built with and for Studio Cordova Canillas in Spain, Barcelona.

→ Electronic Scavenger

This internet based installation is born after monitoring the online activities of strange hibrid computer builders and collapsologist developers.

At the center of the room, a frail structure hangs from the ceiling. Inside lies a custom computer system submerged in vegetal oil running an original video game. The installation was shown in a solo exposition, culminating a three months long residency in Leipzig, Germany.


Online presence and portfolio for the visual art side of my practice.

The responsive portfolio was self designed and coded to underlign images and showcast a series of installations, digital paintings, video games and experimental films.

→ The Adventures Of

Cover, spreads and 3D design for the first edition of Mr Twister.

The Agency "The Adventures Of" is annually throwing a zine to showcase their creative and mischievous mood: "Mister Twister explores the unseen, the chaos and the everyday absurdity of the creative process. With and for The Advetures of, Berlin, Germany. "

→ Harper's BAZAAR

To celebrate their 150th birthday, the great fashion magazine Harper’s BAZAAR decided to gather people around art and fashion in three contemporary art museums across China.

These key visuals where produced in collabaration with the design studio Lava Beijing, China. The proposal was considered but not used.

→ Studio Last

Apparel design research for Studio Last in Berlin.
Each design is inspired from a poetry piece written by Sarah Bernauer with Studio Last Berlin, Germany. They revolve around inner feelings and time perception.

→ 2030 Magazine

Creation of the first issue of 2030 magazine for sustainaible cities and communities, printed in China.

“A journal unlocking the makings of creative cities and all things future”, the 200 pages magazine is set to display the evolution and innovations steps toward solving humanitarian crises, improving cities development and achieving a better future for mankind worldwide.

Built with and for Lava studio in Beijing, China.

→ Cosmic Garden

3D work for the Paris based fashion photographer Valentin Fabre. "Cosmic Garden" is a fashion shoot exploring a place 'halfway between Earth and space'. Alien bodies and fluids were built in CGI, spicing up the journey. In collaboration with Valetin Fabre, Paris, France.

→ Poster Research

Various poster designs either born from commissioned works or self initiated.

Romain is a freelance french graphic designer working internationnaly, with over ten years working in-house and freelancing for small graphic design studios.

Self designed and self coded.
All code, graphic and visual works belong to Romain and its collaborators.

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